The より (yori) particle is an essential grammar point used in Japanese to express comparisons, starting points, and limits. It often corresponds to the English word “than” when comparing two things, but it has additional nuances that make it incredibly versatile in different contexts.
Table of Contents
Comparisons (“More Than” or “Less Than”)
One of the most common uses of より is to make comparisons. It is used to say “A is more [adjective] than B.”
[Compared Item] より [Reference Item] (のほうが) + Adjective/Verb
Here, より is attached to the lesser item, while the more important or superior item is followed by のほうが (no hou ga).
この本は あの本より 面白いです。
(Kono hon wa ano hon yori omoshiroi desu.)
"This book is more interesting than that book."
猫は 犬より 静かです。
(Neko wa inu yori shizuka desu.)
"Cats are quieter than dogs."
日本語は 英語より 難しいです。
(Nihongo wa eigo yori muzukashii desu.)
"Japanese is harder than English."
(Inu yori neko no hou ga suki desu.)
"I like cats more than dogs."
(Kono kuruma wa mae no kuruma yori hayai desu.)
"This car is faster than the previous car."
(Kyou no tenki wa kinou yori samui desu.)
"Today's weather is colder than yesterday’s."
You can omit より and just say [Reference Item] のほうが for emphasis:
犬のほうが 猫より かわいいです。
(Inu no hou ga neko yori kawaii desu.)
"Dogs are cuter than cats."
In comparisons, より is always attached to the lesser item. However, to express the superior item, we use のほうが (no hou ga).
Particle | Function | Example Sentence | Meaning |
より (yori) | Indicates the lesser item in a comparison | 犬より猫のほうが好きです。 (Inu yori neko no hou ga suki desu.) | “I like cats more than dogs.” |
のほうが (no hou ga) | Emphasizes the superior item in a comparison | 日本語より英語のほうが簡単です。 (Nihongo yori eigo no hou ga kantan desu.) | “English is easier than Japanese.” |
If we remove のほうが, the meaning changes slightly:
(Inu yori neko ga suki desu.)
“I like cats more than dogs.” (Still clear, but less emphasis on “more.”)
Expressing a Starting Point (“From”)
Another common use of より is to indicate a starting point in time or space. In this case, it functions similarly to “from” in English.
[Starting Point] より [Action/Event]
(Ashita yori atarashii shigoto ga hajimarimasu.)
"From tomorrow, my new job will start."
(Koko yori saki ni susumanai de kudasai.)
"Please do not proceed beyond this point."
(Shigatsu yori Nihon ni sunde imasu.)
"I have been living in Japan since April."
ここより 向こうは 寒くなります。
(Koko yori mukou wa samuku narimasu.)
"From here onwards, it will get colder."
明日より 新しいルールが 始まります。
(Ashita yori atarashii ruuru ga hajimarimasu.)
"The new rules will start from tomorrow."
Both より and から (kara) can mark starting points, but から is more common in everyday conversation, while より sounds more formal or written.
から (kara) | より (yori) |
Common in spoken language | More common in formal/written language |
Often used for time & location | Used for formal contexts or written instructions |
明日から 新しい仕事が 始まる。
(Ashita kara atarashii shigoto ga hajimaru.)
"My new job starts from tomorrow." (Casual and natural)
明日より 新しい仕事が 始まります。
(Ashita yori atarashii shigoto ga hajimarimasu.)
"The new job starts from tomorrow." (More formal)
Indicating a Limit (“Beyond” or “More Than”)
より can also mean “more than” or “beyond a certain limit.” This is often used to set a minimum standard or indicate something exceeds a threshold.
[Minimum Amount/Level] より [Adjective / Action]
(Kono eiga wa juunisai yori ue no hito shika miraremasen.)
"Only people older than 12 years old can watch this movie."
(Kare wa dare yori mo doryoku shiteimasu.)
"He works harder than anyone."
(Shiken no tensuu wa nanajuu ten yori takaku nakereba narimasen.)
"The test score must be higher than 70 points."
これより 先に 進めません。
(Kore yori saki ni susumemasen.)
"You cannot proceed beyond this point."
体重が 50キロより 増えました。
(Taijuu ga gojuu kiro yori fuemashita.)
"My weight increased beyond 50 kilograms."
When emphasizing a numerical limit, 以上 (ijou) is often used instead (e.g., 50キロ以上 for “50 kg or more”).