や (Ya) Particle

The や (ya) particle is a useful grammar point in Japanese that functions similarly to the English word “and.”

However, unlike と (to), which lists things in a definitive way, や is used to provide an incomplete list or examples rather than an exhaustive set of items. This makes や an essential tool when you want to express “A, B, and things like that” rather than “A and B (and nothing else).”

Listing Multiple Items (Non-Exhaustive List)

The primary function of や is to connect nouns to indicate that they are part of a non-exhaustive list. This means the things listed are just some examples, but there are other similar items that could also be included.


[Noun] や [Noun] + [Verb / Action / Description]


(Kaban no naka ni, nooto ya pen ga arimasu.)
"There are things like notebooks and pens in the bag." (There may be other items, but notebooks and pens are the ones being mentioned.)

(Asagohan ni pan ya tamago o tabemasu.)
"For breakfast, I eat things like bread and eggs." (Other foods might also be eaten, but bread and eggs are just examples.)

(Shuumatsu wa eiga ya kaimono o shimasu.)
"On weekends, I do things like watch movies and go shopping." (Other activities may also be included.)

おすしや らーめんや てんぷらが すきです。
(Osushi ya rāmen ya tenpura ga suki desu.)
"I like sushi, ramen, tempura, and so on."

としょかんや まんがきっさてんに いきました。
(Toshokan ya manga kissa ni ikimashita.)
"I went to the library, a manga café, and other places."

Since implies that the list is not complete, the speaker suggests that there are other possibilities beyond what is explicitly mentioned.

Comparing や and と (Ya vs. To)

While both や and と can be translated as “and,” they are used in different contexts.

や (Ya)と (To)
Implies an incomplete listImplies a complete and exhaustive list
Suggests “and so on”Strictly means “and”
Often used in casual speechCommonly used when listing specific things


や (Non-Exhaustive List)
なっとうや おにぎりを たべました。
(Nattou ya onigiri o tabemashita.)
"I ate things like natto and onigiri (and maybe other things too)."

と (Exhaustive List)
なっとうと おにぎりを たべました。
(Nattou to onigiri o tabemashita.)
"I ate natto and onigiri (and nothing else)."

Adding など (Nado) for Extra Nuance

To further emphasize that your list is incomplete, you can add など (nado) at the end of the phrase. This means “things like” or “etc.”


(Kaban no naka ni nooto ya pen nado ga arimasu.)
"There are things like notebooks, pens, etc., in the bag."

(Nihon ryouri ga suki desu. Sushi ya ramen nado o yoku tabemasu.)
"I like Japanese food. I often eat things like sushi, ramen, etc."

ふるいぎや りんごなどが すきです。
(Furu-tsu ya ringo nado ga suki desu.)
"I like fruits, apples, and so on."

さらや すーぷ などを かいました。
(Sara ya su-pu nado o kaimashita.)
"I bought plates, soup, etc."

By adding など, you make it extra clear that the list is just an example and there are more possible items.

Using や with Verbs (Rare but Possible)

Although is mostly used with nouns, you might sometimes see it used with verbs or adjectives in casual or poetic speech. However, this is not common in standard grammar.


うたったりや おどったり して遊びました。
(Utattari ya odottari shite asobimashita.)
"I played by doing things like singing and dancing."


In standard grammar, you’d usually use り (ri) instead of when listing verbs:

うたったりり おどったり しました。 
(Utattari odottari shimashita.)