は (Wa) Particle

One of the most fundamental and commonly used particles in Japanese is the は (wa) particle.

Though written using the hiragana character for “ha,” it is pronounced “wa” when used as a particle. The は particle serves as a topic marker, highlighting the subject or theme of the sentence. Essentially, it tells the listener, “This is what we’re talking about now.”

Mastering the は particle is essential for creating clear and natural Japanese sentences, especially when introducing yourself or framing conversations.

Topic Marker

In Japanese, the は particle marks the topic of the sentence rather than the grammatical subject. This means it identifies what the speaker wants to talk about, and everything following the provides information about that topic.

The structure is normally the following:

<Topic> は <Rest of sentence>

For example:

(Watashi wa ringo o tabemasu.)
"I eat an apple."

(Nihon wa utsukushii kuni desu.)
"Japan is a beautiful country." 

The subject in the above examples is 私 (“I”, watashi) in the first example, and 日本 (“Japan”, nihon) in the second sentence.

In these examples, は introduces the subject or topic that the speaker wants to talk about. The focus of the sentence is what follows after は, not necessarily the topic itself.

Sentence Context

Japanese is a highly context-dependent language, which means that if you know the topic or subject that is being discussed, you can omit it from the conversation.

For example, if you’re already having a discussion with somebody, and the previous discussion what in regards to you, you can omit the topic from the sentence:

(Watashi wa ringo o tabemasu.)
"I eat an apple."

(Ringo o tabemasu.)
"I eat an apple."

Here, the topic 私 (“I”, watashi) is implied and does not need to be explicitly stated unless clarification is required. This practice is especially common in casual conversations.

Contrastive Emphasis

The particle is used to emphasize a topic or item amidst a choice of the same items.

To clarify this further, common mistake that people often make using the particle is selecting the topic.

Let’s have a look at these two examples:

(Ringo o tabemasu.)
I eat an apple.

(Ringo wa tabemasu.)
As for the apple, I'm eating it.

The difference between the two sentences is one using を and the other is using は. So what is the difference between these particles emphasizing?

Remember that the は particle emphasizes what the topic is, so if you say that the は particle is used after 林檎 (apple, ringo) then the topic now becomes about the apple instead of “I” or “you”.

With this, the main topic now is about the apple, and the reason why this happened in the conversation could be due to multiple things:

  • There were multiple foods in the scenario and you wanted to choose a specific one
  • The conversation topic moved specifically to about apples
  • There’s a specific apple that you wanted to be selected

Contrast Marker

In Japanese, the particle は (wa) is primarily known as the topic marker, but it also plays an important role as a contrast marker. When used for contrast, highlights differences between two things, often implying “but” or “on the other hand” in English.

This usage is common in conversations where a speaker wants to compare two things, emphasize a distinction, or show an exception.

When is used for contrast, it replaces or in a sentence and brings out a comparison between two subjects, objects, or situations. The unstated implication is usually “this is true, but something else is different.”


[Topic 1] は [statement] [but], [Topic 2] は [different statement].

Example 1:

(Neko wa suki desu ga, inu wa suki de wa arimasen.)
"I like cats, but I don’t like dogs."

Here, emphasizes the contrast between the speaker’s feelings toward cats and dogs.

Example 2:

(Watashi wa niku o tabemasu. Demo, sakana wa tabemasen.)
"I eat meat. But I don’t eat fish."

In this case, 魚は (sakana wa) contrasts with 肉を (niku o), emphasizing that while the speaker eats meat, they do not eat fish.

Example 3:

(Tōkyō no fuyu wa samui desu ga, Ōsaka wa amari samukunai desu.)
Tokyo’s winters are cold, but Osaka’s aren’t very cold.

By using , the sentence implies that the two cities have different winter climates.

Example 4:

(Hirugohan wa tabemashita ga, asagohan wa tabemasen deshita.)
I ate lunch, but I didn’t eat breakfast.

The contrast is between 昼ごはん (hirugohan, lunch) and 朝ごはん (asagohan, breakfast) to show a difference in actions.

Negative Sentences

The particle は (wa) is commonly used in negative sentences to emphasize what is not or what does not apply. This creates a subtle nuance, often implying contrast or setting up expectations that are then negated.

In negative sentences, tends to replace or as the main particle. Let’s explore how it works!


[Topic] は [Negative Statement]

Negating an Action

(Osake wa nomimasen.)
I don’t drink alcohol.

(Niku wa tabemasen.)
→ I don’t eat meat.

Here, draws attention to what is being negated, suggesting that other things may be different.

Negating a State or Possession

(Okane wa arimasen.)
I don’t have money.

(Jikan wa nai.)
I don’t have time. 

The highlights the negation while hinting that the situation could be different for other aspects.

Negating an Ability

(Piano wa hikemasen.)
I can’t play the piano.

(Nihongo wa hanasemasen.)
I can’t speak Japanese.

Negating Preferences

(Kōhī wa suki janai desu.)
I don’t like coffee.

(Anime wa amari mimasen.)
I don’t watch anime much.

Using in these sentences gives a softer, more nuanced negation rather than a direct rejection.

Why Use は Instead of が or を in negatives?

  • が (ga) and を (wo) are often used for neutral statements.
  • は (wa) adds a contrastive nuance—suggesting that while the statement is true, something else may be different.


(Okane ga arimasen.)
I don’t have money. (Simple fact.)

(Okane wa arimasen.)
I don’t have money. (Implies: but I might have something else.)

This small change subtly shifts the meaning, making the sentence more context-dependent and natural.


The particle は (wa) is primarily known as a topic marker, but it is also commonly used in questions to highlight a specific subject or draw attention to contrast. When used in questions, helps guide the listener’s focus, often implying “What about…?”, “How is…?”, or “And you?”

Simple Questions

One of the most natural ways to use in a question is by simply stating the topic followed by は?. This is common in casual conversations when the context is clear.


[Topic] は?
(What about [topic]?)


(Onamae wa?)
And your name?

(Ashita wa?)
(What about tomorrow?)

(Nomimono wa?)
What drink would you like?

Full Questions

In more complete sentences, places emphasis on the topic, asking for specific information about it.


[Topic] は [question]?


(Nihon no seikatsu wa dō desu ka?)
 How is life in Japan? (Implying: Compared to another country, how do you find it?)

(Kono eiga wa omoshiroi desu ka?)
Is this movie interesting? (Implying: Maybe other movies aren’t, but how about this one?)

(Tenki wa dō?)
→ (How’s the weather?)

In these cases, directs attention to the specific topic of the question, subtly contrasting it with other possibilities.

Using は to Compare or Contrast in Questions

In some questions, is used to compare or contrast one thing with another. It can imply that other things might be different, but the speaker is asking specifically about the topic marked by .


[Option A] は? [Option B] は?
(How about A? And B?)


(Nihon no tabemono wa suki desu ka?)
Do you like Japanese food? (Implying: Maybe you like other cuisines, but what about Japanese food?)

(Kōhī wa? Kōcha wa?)
What about coffee? What about tea?

(Gakkō wa tanoshii desu ka?)
Is school fun? (Implying: Maybe other things aren’t, but how about school?)

This subtle contrast makes the question sound more natural and engaging.

は vs. が in Questions

Japanese learners often wonder when to use versus in questions. While is used to identify unknown information, is used to ask about something already known.


(Dare ga sensei desu ka?)
(Who is the teacher?) (Looking for unknown information.)

(Sensei wa dare desu ka?)
(Who is the teacher?) (Focusing on the teacher as a topic.)

(Dono eiga ga omoshiroi desu ka?)
(Which movie is interesting?) (Looking for new information.)

(Kono eiga wa omoshiroi desu ka?)
(Is this movie interesting?) (Focusing on a specific movie.)

makes the question sound more natural and focused, rather than searching for entirely new information.