それじゃ (sore ja)

What Does “Sore Ja” Mean?

“Sore ja” (それじゃ) is a casual expression in Japanese that roughly translates to “Well then”, “In that case”, or “If that’s the case” in English. It is used to transition from one topic to another, introduce a conclusion, or indicate that the speaker is ready to move on with the conversation or action.

“Sore ja” is often used to wrap up a conversation or to imply that the speaker is making a decision based on the circumstances at hand. It’s similar to expressions like “Alright, then” or “Okay, in that case” in English.

Structure of “Sore Ja”

“Sore ja” is a combination of two parts:

  1. それ (sore) – This is a demonstrative pronoun meaning “that” or “it,” and it’s often used to refer to something that was previously mentioned or something that is understood in context.
  2. じゃ (ja) – This is a colloquial form of “desu” (です) and is commonly used in informal speech. It can function as a softener or a way to conclude the statement.

Together, “sore ja” is a conversational expression used to indicate a shift in the conversation or a change in direction, often implying that a decision has been made or that it’s time to move forward with something.

How to Use “Sore Ja” in a Sentence

The phrase “sore ja” can be used in various situations. It’s typically used to signal a transition or to wrap things up, and it often appears at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle of a conversation. Here are a few examples of how to use it:

(Sore ja, mata ne!)
"Well then, see you later!" (This is a casual way to end a conversation with a sense of finality or readiness to leave.)

(Sore ja, watashi wa kaerimasu.)
"Well then, I’m going home." (This usage suggests that, based on the circumstances, the speaker is about to leave or make a decision.)

(Sore ja, kono hanashi wa owari ni shimashou.)
"Well then, let’s end this conversation." (In this case, "sore ja" is used to suggest a conclusion or decision.)

(Sore ja, tsugi wa dou shimashou ka?)
"Well then, what should we do next?" (Here, "sore ja" is used to transition to the next topic or step in the conversation.)

When to Use “Sore Ja”

Making a Conclusion or Decision

“Sore ja” can be used when the speaker is concluding something or making a decision based on the conversation up until that point.


A: 今日は遅くなりそうだから、また後で連絡するね。
(Kyou wa osoku narisou dakara, mata ato de renraku suru ne.)
"It looks like I’ll be late today, so I’ll contact you later."

B: それじゃ、気をつけてね。
(Sore ja, ki o tsukete ne.)
"Well then, take care."

Introducing a Change or Transition

“Sore ja” can also be used to signal a transition or shift in the topic of conversation. It can function as a way to smoothly move from one subject to another or to change the direction of the discussion.


A: 明日は映画を観に行こうかな。
(Ashita wa eiga o mi ni ikou kana.)
"I’m thinking of going to watch a movie tomorrow."

B: それじゃ、チケットを取っておくよ。
(Sore ja, chiketto o totte oku yo.)
"Well then, I’ll get the tickets."

Ending a Conversation or Interaction

You can use “sore ja” to close a conversation, especially in casual contexts. It’s a polite and friendly way to wrap things up and can be used when you’re preparing to leave or end a discussion.


A: 今日の会議はこれで終わりです。
(Kyou no kaigi wa kore de owari desu.)
"That’s the end of today’s meeting."

B: それじゃ、お疲れ様でした。
(Sore ja, otsukaresama deshita.)
"Well then, thank you for your hard work."