The ので (node) particle is an essential conjunction in Japanese that expresses reason, cause, or justification—similar to “because” or “since” in English. It is often compared to から (kara), but while から tends to sound more direct and subjective, ので has a politer and more neutral tone.
Mastering ので will help you sound more natural and polite in Japanese conversations and writing. Let’s break down its uses, structure, and key differences from から, with plenty of examples.
Table of Contents
Using ので to Express a Reason or Cause
The most common function of ので is to explain a reason or cause for an action or situation.
⏤ [Reason] + ので + [Result]
The ので clause provides the explanation for what comes after it.
(Ame ga futteiru node, dekakemasen.)
"Since it's raining, I won’t go out."
(Nihongo ga suki na node, mainichi benkyou shiteimasu.)
"Since I like Japanese, I study every day."
(Jikan ga nai node, takushii de ikimasu.)
"Since I don’t have time, I’ll take a taxi."
ので works best when explaining objective or logical reasons rather than personal opinions
の + で vs. ので: When to Use な before ので
The way ので attaches to words depends on whether they are nouns, な-adjectives, or verbs/i-adjectives.
Word Type | Example |
Noun + ので | 学生なので、安く買えます。 (Gakusei na node, yasuku kaemasu.) “Since I am a student, I can buy it cheaply.” |
な-adjective + ので | 静かなので、よく眠れます。 (Shizuka na node, yoku nemuremasu.) “Since it’s quiet, I can sleep well.” |
Verb + ので | 早く起きたので、準備ができました。 (Hayaku okita node, junbi ga dekimashita.) “Since I woke up early, I was able to get ready.” |
い-adjective + ので | 寒いので、コートを着ます。 (Samui node, kōto o kimasu.) “Since it’s cold, I’ll wear a coat.” |
For nouns and な-adjectives, you must add な before ので (e.g., 学生なので, 静かなので).
ので vs. から: What’s the Difference?
Both ので and から express reasons, but they have slightly different nuances.
ので | から |
More neutral and polite | More direct and personal |
Sounds softer and explanatory | Sounds casual and straightforward |
Often used in formal writing | More common in casual speech |
Suggests objective reasoning | Suggests subjective reasoning |
Example Sentences:
(Onaka ga itai node, kusuri o nomimashita.)
"Since my stomach hurts, I took medicine." (More polite and neutral)
(Onaka ga itai kara, kusuri o nonda.)
"Because my stomach hurts, I took medicine." (Casual and personal)
Use ので when you want to sound more polite and neutral, especially in formal situations or when talking to superiors.
Using ので to Make Polite Requests
When ので is combined with a request, it softens the tone and makes it more polite.
(Chotto shizuka ni shite moraemasu ka? Nemui node….)
→ "Could you please be a little quiet? I’m sleepy…" (Softens the request.)
(Jikan ga nai node, hayaku shite kudasai.)
→ "Since I don’t have time, please hurry up." (Sounds polite and explanatory.)
Using ので makes a request sound more polite and less demanding, making it ideal for business and formal settings.
ので in Apologies and Explanations
Since ので sounds polite and neutral, it is often used when giving apologies or justifications.
(Okurete sumimasen. Densha ga okureta node….)
"Sorry I’m late. The train was delayed…"
(Kyou wa ikemasen. Shigoto ga aru node….)
"I can’t go today since I have work…"
Using ので makes an excuse or apology sound more polite and less like an abrupt excuse.
ので in Embedded Clauses
You can also use ので in complex sentences when explaining the reason behind another action.
(Haha ga ryouri o tsukutte iru node, watashi wa heya o souji shimasu.)
"Since my mother is cooking, I will clean my room."
(Tsukarete iru node, sukoshi yasumimasu.)
"Since I’m tired, I’ll rest a little."
In longer sentences, ので helps maintain a polite and structured tone while linking ideas smoothly.