のに (No Ni) Particle

The のに (no ni) particle is an essential part of Japanese grammar used to express contrast, unexpected results, and purposes. It often translates to “even though,” “despite,” “although,” or “for the purpose of” in English, depending on the context.

Understanding how のに functions will help you create more natural and expressive Japanese sentences. In this article, we’ll break down its uses with detailed explanations and examples.

のに for Expressing Contrast (“Even though” / “Despite”)

One of the most common uses of のに is to express contrast between two actions or facts. This is similar to saying “even though” or “despite” in English.


[Clause 1] のに [Clause 2]
  • The first clause of the sentence presents an expectation or fact.
  • The second clause contradicts or unexpectedly differs from what was expected.


(Takusan benkyou shita no ni, shiken ni ochimashita.)
"Even though I studied a lot, I failed the exam."

(Kare wa okanemochi na no ni, kechi desu.)
"Even though he is rich, he is stingy."

(Ame ga futteiru no ni, kare wa kasa o motte imasen.)
"Even though it's raining, he doesn’t have an umbrella."

How to Use のに with Different Word Types:

Word TypeExample SentenceMeaning
Verb (plain form) + のに勉強したのに、合格しなかった。 (Benkyou shita no ni, goukaku shinakatta.)“Even though I studied, I didn’t pass.”
い-adjective + のに寒いのに、コートを着ていない。 (Samui no ni, kooto o kite inai.)“Even though it’s cold, he isn’t wearing a coat.”
な-adjective + な のに静かなのに、眠れません。 (Shizuka na no ni, nemoremasen.)“Even though it’s quiet, I can’t sleep.”
Noun + なのに日本人なのに、日本語が話せません。 (Nihonjin na no ni, nihongo ga hanasemasen.)“Even though he’s Japanese, he can’t speak Japanese.”

のに for Expressing Purpose (“For the purpose of”)

In some contexts, のに can also mean “for the purpose of” or “in order to” when describing how something is used for a specific goal.


[Action] + のに + [Usage or Purpose]

This is similar to the ために (tame ni) structure but is used more for objects, tools, and actions meant for a specific function.


(Kono hasami wa kami o kiru no ni tsukaimasu.)
"These scissors are used for cutting paper."

(Nihongo o benkyou suru no ni, jisho wa totemo yaku ni tachimasu.)
"A dictionary is very useful for studying Japanese."

(Ryouri o tsukuru no ni, shio ga hitsuyou desu.)
"Salt is necessary for cooking."

(Fujisan ni noboru no ni, takusan no junbi ga hitsuyou desu.)
"A lot of preparation is needed for climbing Mount Fuji."

のに vs. けど / が – What’s the Difference?

Both のに and けど / が are used to contrast two statements, but they have different nuances.

のにStrong contrast / Unexpected result雨が降っているのに、傘を持っていない。 (Ame ga futteiru no ni, kasa o motte inai.)“Even though it’s raining, he doesn’t have an umbrella.”
けど / がGeneral contrast (not necessarily unexpected)雨が降っているけど、散歩に行きます。 (Ame ga futteiru kedo, sanpo ni ikimasu.)“It’s raining, but I’m going for a walk.”

けど / が is softer and can simply connect two contrasting ideas, while のに has a stronger sense of contradiction.