The に (ni) particle is one of the most fundamental and versatile particles in Japanese. It plays a critical role in sentence structure, serving multiple functions, such as:
- Marking a specific point in time
- Indicating a destination or direction
- Marking a location where something exists
- Indicating a recipient of an action
- Expressing comparisons, changes, and purpose
Mastering に will significantly enhance your fluency and allow you to construct more precise and natural sentences in Japanese. Let’s break down its various functions!
Table of Contents
Specifying a Point in Time (At/On)
The に particle is used to specify an exact point in time when something happens, such as days, months, years, or clock times. It functions similarly to “at” or “on” in English.
に is used for specific time references. It is NOT used with relative time words like “today” (きょう) or “tomorrow” (あした).
[Specific Time] に [Action]
(Doyōbi ni eiga o mimasu.)
I will watch a movie on Saturday.
(Gogo sanji ni aimashō.)
Let’s meet at 3 PM.
(Shigatsu ni Nihon e ikimasu.)
I will go to Japan in April.
Specifying Relative to Now
When you specify a time relative to the present moment, such as today or tomorrow, you do not use the に particle.
きょう は べんきょう します。
(Kyou wa benkyou shimasu.)
"I will study today."
わたしは あした がっこうへ いきます。
(Watashi wa ashita gakkou e ikimasu.)
"I will go to school tomorrow."
Note that time words like きょう (today), あした (tomorrow), こんしゅう (this week), and らいねん (next year) do not take に because they are already understood as relative points in time.
Indicating a Destination or Direction (To)
に is used when describing movement toward a destination, similar to “to” in English. It is commonly used with motion verbs like 行く (iku, to go), 来る (kuru, to come), and 帰る (kaeru, to return).
[Destination] に [Motion Verb]
(Gakkō ni ikimasu.)
I go to school.
(Nihon ni kimashita.)
I came to Japan.
(Uchi ni kaerimasu.)
I return home.
に vs. へ (e) – What’s the Difference?
- に = Stronger focus on arrival at a specific location (🚩 precise).
- へ = Focuses more on the direction of movement (🏃 general).
学校に行きます。 (I go to school.) (Emphasizes arriving at school.) 学校へ行きます。 (I head towards school.) (Focuses on movement towards it.)
Marking a Location Where Something Exists (At/In)
に is used to indicate the location where something exists when used with existence verbs ある (aru, for inanimate objects) and いる (iru, for living things).
[Location] に [Exist]
(Hon wa tsukue no ue ni arimasu.)
The book is on top of the desk.
(Niwa ni inu ga imasu.)
There is a dog in the yard.
(Eki no mae ni konbini ga arimasu.)
There is a convenience store in front of the station.
に vs. で – What’s the Difference?
- に = Describes a fixed location (where something exists).
- で = Describes where an action happens (what someone does there).
公園に犬がいます。 (Kouen ni inu ga imasu) There is a dog in the park. (Fixed existence) 公園で犬と遊びます。 (Kouen de inu to asobimasu) I play with a dog in the park. (Action happening in the park)
Indicating an Object Recipient (To / For)
に is used to mark the recipient of an action, often appearing with verbs like:
- 教える (oshieru, to teach)
- あげる (ageru, to give)
- もらう (morau, to receive)
[Recipient] に [Object] を [Verb]
(Kare ni purezento o agemashita.)
I gave him a present.
(Sensei ni shitsumon o shimashita.)
I asked the teacher a question.
(Haha ni hana o kaimashita.)
I bought flowers for my mother.
Expressing Comparisons or Preferences
In some contexts, に marks choices or preferences.
[Option] に [Decision]
(Koohii ni shimasu.)
I’ll have coffee.
(Ocha ni shimasu.)
I’ll have tea.
(Kono fuku ni kimemashita.)
I decided on this outfit.
Indicating a Target of Change (Become)
The に particle is also used to indicate a result or state of change. It is often paired with verbs like なる (naru, to become) or する (suru, to do).
[Target] に [Verb]
(Isha ni naritai desu.)
I want to become a doctor.
(Heya o kirei ni shimashita.)
I made the room clean.
(Nihongo ga jōzu ni narimashita.)
My Japanese has become better.
Expressing Purpose or Reason (Purpose of)
The particle に (ni) can be used to indicate the purpose of an action, typically in combination with verbs like いく (iku, to go), くる (kuru, to come), or かえる (kaeru, to return). When に follows a verb, it marks the purpose of the action. It answers the question “Why are you doing this?” or “What is the goal?”
Firstly you need to grab the verb stem (base part of the verb before you add different endings) and add the に particle afterwards.
[Reason] に [Action]
べんきょうしに としょかんに いきます。
(Benkyou shi ni toshokan ni ikimasu.)
"I go to the library to study."
よく えいが を み に いきます
(Yoku eiga o mi ni ikimasu.)
"I often go to watch movies."
しゅくだいを しに うちに かえります。
(Shukudai o shi ni uchi ni kaerimasu.)
"I go home to do my homework."