んだ (n-da) / んです (n-desu) Explanatory Form

The んだ (んです) explanatory form is an essential part of Japanese grammar used to give explanations, seek clarifications, express reasons, and add nuance to conversations. It is commonly heard in everyday speech and is crucial for sounding natural and fluent in Japanese.

What is the んだ / んです Explanatory Form?

The んだ (casual) / んです (polite) is a contracted form of のだ (noda) and のです (nodesu) and is used when the speaker is giving an explanation or seeking one. It is often used to justify actions, express emotions, or clarify situations.

It does not change the core meaning of a sentence but adds nuance, making the statement sound more natural and informative.

Sentence Without んだ:

(Dōshite okureta no?) 
"Why were you late?"

(Chotto nebō shita.) 
"I overslept a little."

Sentence With んだ:

(Dōshite okureta no?) 
"Why were you late?"

(Chotto nebō shitan da.) 
"It's because I overslept a little."

The second version sounds more natural because it provides an explanation.

The in んだ / んです is a contraction of , which originally came from のだ. However, while のだ still exists in writing, んだ / んです is far more common in spoken Japanese.

How to Use んだ (んです) Correctly

The structure changes slightly depending on whether the verb or adjective is affirmative, negative, in past form, etc.

Sentence TypeCasual Form (んだ)Polite Form (んです)
Noun + だ学生なんだ。 (Gakusei nan da.) → “I’m a student (you see).”学生なんです。 (Gakusei nan desu.) → “I’m a student (you see).”
い-adjective寒いんだ。 (Samui n da.) → “It’s cold (so…).”寒いんです。 (Samui n desu.) → “It’s cold (so…).”
な-adjective + だ元気なんだ。 (Genki nan da.) → “I’m feeling fine (so…).”元気なんです。 (Genki nan desu.) → “I’m feeling fine (so…).”
Verb (Present/Future)行くんだ。 (Iku n da.) → “I’m going (you see).”行くんです。 (Iku n desu.) → “I’m going (you see).”
Verb (Past)行ったんだ。 (Itta n da.) → “I went (you see).”行ったんです。 (Itta n desu.) → “I went (you see).”

Notice that nouns and な-adjectives require な before んだ (or んです).

Common Uses of んだ (んです)

Asking for Explanations

When you want to ask why something happened, use んですか?

(Doushite naite iru n desu ka?)
"Why are you crying?"

(Nande sonna ni okotte iru n desu ka?)
"Why are you so angry?"

Giving an Explanation

When explaining something in response to a question, use んだ / んです.

(Kinou wa isogashikatta n da.)
"I was busy yesterday."

(Shiken ga aru n desu.)
"I have an exam." (Explaining why you are studying)

Emphasizing a Statement

When you want to emphasize what you’re saying, んだ adds strength to your words.

(Demo, dōshitemo yaritain da!) 
"But I really want to do it!"

(Isha ni naritain da.) 
"Because I want to become a doctor!"

Softening a Statement or Suggestion

Using んです makes requests and suggestions sound more polite and natural.

Example 1 (Softening a request):

(Toire o tsukatte mo ii desu ka?) 
"Can I use the restroom?"

(Sumimasen, ima sōji-chū nan desu.) 
"Sorry, it's being cleaned right now."

Example 2 (Softening an invitation):

(Shūmatsu, issho ni eiga o mi ni ikimasen ka?) 
"Would you like to watch a movie together this weekend?"

(Shūmatsu wa isogashiin desu.) 
"I’m busy this weekend (so I can’t)."

んだ vs. のだ vs. の

んだ (んです)Conversational, natural日本へ行くんです。 (Nihon e iku n desu.) → “I’m going to Japan (you see).”
のだ (のです)More formal, written style日本へ行くのです。 (Nihon e iku no desu.) → “I’m going to Japan (for this reason).”
の?Casual question (mostly female speech)何をしているの? (Nani o shite iru no?) → “What are you doing?”