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The けど (kedo) particle is one of the most frequently used conjunctions in Japanese. It primarily functions as a contrastive or softening particle, similar to “but” or “although” in English. However, it also has additional nuanced uses that make it an essential part of natural Japanese speech.
This guide will break down the different meanings and uses of けど, along with example sentences to help you understand how to use it effectively.
Table of Contents
けど as “But” (Contrasting Two Ideas)
One of the most common uses of けど is to introduce a contrast between two statements, just like “but” or “although” in English.
⏤ [Statement 1] + けど + [Statement 2]
(Kono mise no rāmen wa oishii kedo, takai desu.)
→ "The ramen at this shop is delicious, but it's expensive."
(Nihongo wa muzukashii kedo, tanoshii desu.)
→ "Japanese is difficult, but it's fun."
(Kinou wa samukatta kedo, kyou wa atatakai desu.)
→ "Yesterday was cold, but today is warm."
けど is often interchangeable with が (ga) in formal writing
日本語は難しいが、面白い。 (Nihongo wa muzukashii ga, omoshiroi.) 日本語は難しいけど、面白い。 (Nihongo wa muzukashii kedo, omoshiroi.) (The meaning is the same, but が sounds more formal.)
Softening a Statement (Politeness & Hesitation)
Another important function of けど is to soften the impact of a statement, making it sound more polite or indirect. Instead of sounding too direct or demanding, けど allows the speaker to introduce an idea gently.
(Chotto kikitai koto ga aru kedo…)
→ "I have something I'd like to ask, but…" (Sounds more polite than directly asking a question.)
(Sumimasen, onegai ga aru kedo…)
→ "Excuse me, but I have a favor to ask…" (Softens the request.)
(Ikitai kedo, chotto isogashii desu.)
→ "I want to go, but I'm a bit busy." (Sounds more polite and considerate.)
By ending a sentence with けど…, the speaker can leave room for the listener to respond, making the conversation more natural and polite.
Introducing Background Information (Setting Context)
In spoken Japanese, けど is also used to introduce background information before getting to the main point.
⏤ [Background Info] + けど + [Main Point]
(Kinou eiga o mita kedo, sugoku omoshirokatta!)
→ "I watched a movie yesterday, and it was really interesting!"
(Ima kara dekakeru kedo, nanika katte koyou ka?)
→ "I'm going out now, do you want me to buy something?"
(Raishuu shiken ga aru kedo, mada benkyou shite inai.)
→ "I have a test next week, but I haven't studied yet."
Sometimes, the second clause may not even be necessary! The listener will infer the meaning based on context.
(Chotto hanashi ga aru kedo…)
"I have something to talk about, but…" (Implying the listener should ask "What is it?")
けど as a Soft Request or Offer
In casual speech, けど can be used to politely offer something or ask for confirmation.
(Kono kēki, taberu kedo?)
"Are you going to eat this cake?" (If not, I might eat it.)
(Raishuu no pātī, iku kedo?)
"Are you going to next week's party?" (Implying: If you are, we could go together.)
(Tetsudau kedo, daijoubu?)
"I can help, but are you okay?" (Offering help indirectly.)
This use of けど makes the sentence sound less pushy and gives the listener a chance to respond freely.
けど vs. けれど (More Formal Version)
The けど particle has a more formal or polite equivalent: けれど or けれども.
けど | けれど / けれども |
Casual | Polite or formal |
Used in conversation | Used in writing and formal speech |
Often spoken | More common in business/formal settings |
行きたいけど、忙しい。 (Ikitai kedo, isogashii.) → Casual
行きたいけれど、忙しいです。 (Ikitai keredo, isogashii desu.) → More polite
行きたいけれども、都合が悪いです。 (Ikitai keredomo, tsugou ga warui desu.) → Very polite