から (Kara) Particle

The から (Kara) Particle is an essential grammar point used in various contexts, including expressing starting points, reasons, sources, and materials. Understanding its different uses will help you construct more natural and precise Japanese sentences. Let’s break down the different meanings and applications of から with examples.

Expressing a Starting Point (Time & Place)

One of the most common uses of から is to indicate the starting point of an action or state. This can refer to both time and place.

Starting Point of Time

When から is used with time expressions, it marks the beginning of an event or action.


[Starting Time] + から + [Action]


会議は 3時から 始まります。
(Kaigi wa sanji kara hajimarimasu.)
"The meeting starts from 3 o’clock."

私は 朝 6時から 勉強します。
(Watashi wa asa rokuji kara benkyou shimasu.)
"I study from 6 AM."

映画は 7時から です。
(Eiga wa shichiji kara desu.)
"The movie starts at 7 o’clock."

Starting Point of Place

When used with places, から marks the starting point of movement or action.


[Starting Location] + から + [Destination]


東京から 大阪まで 新幹線で 行きます。
(Tōkyō kara Ōsaka made shinkansen de ikimasu.)
"I go from Tokyo to Osaka by bullet train."

学校から 家まで 歩いて帰りました。
(Gakkō kara ie made aruite kaerimashita.)
"I walked home from school."

ここから 駅まで どれくらい かかりますか?
(Koko kara eki made dorekurai kakarimasu ka?)
"How long does it take from here to the station?"

In English, it you wanted to say “from” to “until” a time or location. The equivalent for “until” in Japanese would be まで (made).


授業は 9時から 5時まで です。
(Jugyou wa kuji kara goji made desu.)
"Classes are from 9 AM to 5 PM."

Expressing a Reason or Cause

Another fundamental use of から is to explain why something happens. This is similar to “because” or “since” in English.


[Reason] + から + [Result]


(Ame ga futteiru kara, dekakemasen.)
"Because it's raining, I won’t go out."

(Nihongo ga suki dakara, mainichi benkyou shiteimasu.)
"Because I like Japanese, I study every day."

(Kaze o hiita kara, gakkou o yasumimashita.)
"Since I caught a cold, I took a day off from school."

When using だ/です at the end of a reason (e.g., 元気だから), you must include before から when using nouns or な-adjectives.

(Benri dakara, kono apuri o tsukatteimasu.)
"Because it's convenient, I use this app."

(Shizuka dakara, koko de benkyou dekimasu.)
"Because it's quiet, I can study here."

Expressing Source or Origin

から can also indicate the source from which something is received or derived.


[Source] + から + [Action]


先生から 宿題を もらいました。
(Sensei kara shukudai o moraimashita.)
"I received homework from my teacher."

友達から メッセージが 来ました。
(Tomodachi kara messeeji ga kimashita.)
"A message came from my friend."

お母さんから プレゼントを もらいました。
(Okaasan kara purezento o moraimashita.)
"I received a present from my mother."

Expressing Materials (Made From)

When から is used with materials, it expresses what something is made from, especially when the original material undergoes a transformation.


[Material] + から + [Created Object]


ワインは ぶどうから 作られます。
(Wain wa budou kara tsukuraremasu.)
"Wine is made from grapes."

紙は 木から 作られます。
(Kami wa ki kara tsukuraremasu.)
"Paper is made from trees."


Comparison with で:

  • Use when the material remains the same.
  • Use から when the material changes form.
木から 紙を作る。 
(Ki kara kami o tsukuru.) 
"Make paper from wood."

木で 椅子を作る。 
(Ki de isu o tsukuru.) 
"Make a chair out of wood."

から at End of the Sentence

When から appears at the end of a sentence, the rest of the thought is often implied rather than explicitly stated. This is a natural way of speaking in Japanese.

For Example:

Mou kaeru ne. Ashita hayai kara.
"I'm heading home. (Because) I have to wake up early tomorrow." (The second part "so I have to sleep early" is implied.)

Daijoubu, boku ga oshiete ageru kara.
"Don't worry, (because) I'll teach you." (The second part like "so you don’t need to worry" is implied.)

How This Differs From Using から in the Middle:

Normally, in written or more structured speech, you’d complete both parts of the sentence, like:

Boku ga oshiete ageru kara, shinpai shinaide.
"I'll teach you, so don't worry."

But in casual spoken Japanese, people often just drop the second part because it’s obvious from context.

から vs. ので (Reason/Cause Differences)

Both から and ので can indicate a reason, but they have slight nuances:

Casual and directPolite and softer
Often used in speechUsed in formal writing
Can sound subjectiveMore neutral or objective


疲れたから、寝ます。 (Tsukareta kara, nemasu.) → Casual

疲れたので、寝ます。 (Tsukareta node, nemasu.) → More polite and neutral

General Rule:

  • Use から in everyday conversations.
  • Use ので when speaking politely or writing formally.