できる (Dekiru) Verb

The Japanese verb できる (dekiru) is an essential word that means “to be able to do,” “to be possible,” or “to be completed.” It is the potential form of する (suru), which means “to do,” but it also has additional meanings beyond just expressing ability.

Fundamentals of できる

Unlike many verbs in Japanese, できる is unique in that it can function both as the potential form of する (to do) and as an independent verb with meanings related to ability, possibility, and completion.

できる as “To Be Able to Do”

The most common use of できる is to express ability, similar to “can” in English.

Example Sentences:
(Nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekiru.)
"I can speak Japanese."

(Jibun de ryōri ga dekiru.)
"I can cook by myself."

できる as “To Be Made” or “To Be Completed”

できる can also mean that something is created, finished, or has come into existence.

Example Sentences:
(Kono dezāto wa kirei ni dekita.)
"This dessert turned out beautifully."

(Atarashii biru ga dekita.)
"A new building was built."

Conjugation of できる

Since できる is an Ichidan verb, its conjugation follows a regular pattern.

Present Tense (Dictionary Form) – できる / できます

The dictionary form is できる, and its polite form is できます.

Example Sentences:

(Sore ga dekiru.)
"I can do that."

(Sore ga dekimasu.)
"I can do that." (Polite)

Present Negative – できない / できません

To express negation, できる changes to できない in casual speech and できません in polite speech.

Example Sentences:

(Sore wa dekinai.)
"That is not possible."

(Sore wa dekimasen.)
"That is not possible." (Polite)

Past Tense – できた / できました

To express the past tense, できる changes to できた in casual speech and できました in polite speech.

Example Sentences:

(Nihongo no hanashi ga dekita.)
"I was able to speak Japanese."

(Nihongo no hanashi ga dekimashita.)
"I was able to speak Japanese." (Polite)

Past Negative – できなかった / できませんでした

To express the past negative, できる changes to できなかった in casual speech and できませんでした in polite speech.

Example Sentences:

(Shigoto ga dekinakatta.)
"I couldn’t do the work."

(Shigoto ga dekimasen deshita.)
"I couldn’t do the work." (Polite)

できる Variations

ことができる (koto ga dekiru) – “To Be Able to Do Something”

This expression is used to emphasize one’s ability or capability to do something, especially in more formal contexts. It’s a polite way of saying “can” or “be able to.”

Example Sentence:

(Nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekiru.)
"I can speak Japanese."

The phrase ことができる is often used in more formal conversations or written language to express general ability. It’s often seen in official documents, reports, or polite speech.

しかできない (shika dekinai) – “Can Only Do”

This expression is used to convey a sense of limitation, meaning that there is only one option or capability available. It emphasizes that you are restricted to doing just one thing, and no alternatives are possible.

Example Sentence:

(Nihongo shika dekinai.)
"I can only speak Japanese."

Commonly used when talking about restrictions or when you want to emphasize that you are unable to do anything beyond the specific action or skill mentioned. It highlights your limitation in a particular area.

できたばかり (dekita bakari) – “Just Completed”

This expression is used to indicate that something has just been completed, with the emphasis on the immediacy of the action. It is often used to describe something that has recently finished, whether it’s an event, a task, or an action.

Example Sentence:

(Gohan ga dekita bakari.)
"The meal was just finished."

Carries the nuance that the action has just occurred and implies a very short time ago. It’s similar to saying “just finished” in English. This phrase is often used to describe things like meals, projects, or even actions that just took place.

できるかどうか (dekiru ka dou ka) – “Whether It Is Possible or Not”

This variation is used to express doubt or uncertainty regarding whether something is possible or feasible. It’s often used in situations where you are unsure about the outcome or the ability to do something.

Example Sentence:

(Sore ga dekiru ka dou ka.)
"Whether it’s possible or not."

Frequently used when discussing possibilities, decisions, or plans that might be uncertain. It asks whether something can be done or not, and it’s useful when you’re considering different outcomes or making a decision about an action.

できるだけ (dekiru dake) – “As Much As Possible”

This expression is used to indicate the effort to do something to the fullest extent or to the best of one’s ability. It’s commonly used to convey your intention to do something with the greatest effort or as quickly as possible.

Example Sentence:

(Dekiru dake hayaku iku.)
"I will go as quickly as possible."

Emphasizes putting in maximum effort or doing something to the greatest extent possible. It can be used with various verbs to express urgency, capability, or thoroughness, such as “as much as possible,” “as best as I can,” or “as quickly as possible.”