で (De) Particle

The particle is one of the most versatile and essential particles in the Japanese language. Its primary roles include indicating the place where an action occurs, the means or method used, and the cause or reason for a result. It can also be used to indicate limits, quantities, and conditions, making it a fundamental part of Japanese grammar.

Mastering is crucial for forming clear and accurate sentences in Japanese.

Indicating the Place of Action

When follows a noun representing a location, it indicates that an action occurs at that place. This is different from the particle , which is used to indicate a destination or existence.


[Place] で [Action Verb]


図書館で 本を 読みます。
(Toshokan de hon o yomimasu.)
"I read books at the library."

学校で 勉強します。
(Gakkō de benkyō shimasu.)
"I study at school."

レストランで 晩ごはんを 食べました。
(Resutoran de bangohan o tabemashita.)
"I ate dinner at a restaurant."

工場で 車を 作っています。
(Kōjō de kuruma o tsukuttemasu.)
"They are making cars at the factory."

Indicating the Means or Method

The particle is also used to specify the tool, method, or means by which an action is performed. It answers questions like “How?” or “By what means?”


[Means/Tool] で [Action Verb]


電車で 行きます。
(Densha de ikimasu.)
"I go by train."

飛行機で 東京へ 行きました。
(Hikōki de Tōkyō e ikimashita.)
"I went to Tokyo by plane."

日本語で 話しましょう。
(Nihongo de hanashimashō.)
"Let's speak in Japanese."

箸で 食べます。
(Hashi de tabemasu.)
"I eat with chopsticks."

携帯で 写真を 撮りました。
(Keitai de shashin o torimashita.)
"I took a picture with my phone."

ペンで 書いてください。
(Pen de kaite kudasai.)
"Please write with a pen."

Expressing Cause or Reason

The particle can indicate why something happens. This usage is often seen with natural events, illnesses, accidents, or other conditions that lead to a result.


[Cause/Reason] で [Result]


台風で 電車が 止まりました。
(Taifū de densha ga tomarimashita.)
"The trains stopped due to the typhoon."

病気で 学校を 休みました。
(Byōki de gakkō o yasumimashita.)
"I was absent from school because of illness."

大雪で 道が 滑りやすく なっています。
(Ōyuki de michi ga suberiyasuku natteimasu.)
"The roads have become slippery due to the heavy snow."

不安定な 経済で 会社が 減りました。
(Fuantei na keizai de kaisha ga herimashita.)
"Due to the unstable economy, companies have decreased."

事故で 道が 混みました。
(Jiko de michi ga komimashita.)
"The road became crowded due to an accident."


Key Difference from から (kara):

  • → Used for natural causes or situations (typhoon, illness, accident, etc.).
  • から → Used for personal reasons or logical cause (e.g., “I was late because I overslept”).

Indicating Limits, Quantities, or Conditions

The particle can also set a limit on quantity, price, or time.


[Limit] で [Action or Statement]


全部で 500円です。
(Zenbu de gohyaku en desu.)
"It's 500 yen in total."

1時間で 行けますか?
(Ichi jikan de ikemasu ka?)
"Can you get there in an hour?"

この宿題は 3時間で できます。
(Kono shukudai wa san jikan de dekimasu.)
"This homework can be done in three hours."

この車は 100万円で 買いました。
(Kono kuruma wa hyaku man en de kaimashita.)
"I bought this car for one million yen."

De in Fixed Expressions

The particle also appears in fixed expressions and idiomatic phrases, adding subtlety and nuance to conversations.


(Hitori de)

(Minna de) 
With everyone

(Ichinichi de) 
In one day

(Shōjiki de) 

(Zenbu de) 
In total

(Hontō de) 
Really / truthfully

Example Sentences:

🏝 一人で 旅行しました。
(Hitori de ryokō shimashita.)
"I traveled alone."

🎤 皆で 歌を 歌いましょう。
(Minna de uta o utaimashō.)
"Let's sing a song together."

🛒 全部で いくらですか?
(Zenbu de ikura desu ka?)
"How much is it in total?"