Kanji are characters originally borrowed from the Chinese writing system and adapted into Japanese over centuries.
Each Kanji typically represents a concept, idea, or object rather than a specific sound, making it distinct from the phonetic scripts of Hiragana and Katakana. With their origins rooted in ancient China, Kanji became an essential component of Japanese writing, blending seamlessly with the native language to enrich its expressiveness and precision. They are an indispensable part of the language, providing meaning and context while reducing ambiguity.
For example, the hiragana はし (hashi) can mean:
"bridge" (橋)
"chopsticks" (箸)
"edge" (端)
Not all Japanese words have associated kanji, particularly newer loanwords, certain names, or onomatopoeic expressions. Hiragana or Katakana is used to write these words in full, providing a flexible and universal way to capture sounds and meanings that do not fit within the traditional kanji system.
On’yomi and Kun’yomi
In Japanese, kanji characters often have multiple readings. The two main types of readings are On’yomi (音読み, “sound reading”) and Kun’yomi (訓読み, “meaning reading”). Understanding these readings is essential for learning kanji effectively.
On’yomi (音読み) – The Chinese Reading
On’yomi is the pronunciation of a kanji based on its original Chinese pronunciation.
These readings are often used in compound words (熟語, jukugo), where two or more kanji are combined together.
Examples of On’yomi:
学 (がく, gaku) – Learning
学生 (がくせい, gakusei) – "Student"
電 (でん, den) – Electricity
電話 (でんわ, denwa) – "Telephone"
新 (しん, shin) – New
新聞 (しんぶん, shinbun) – "Newspaper"
Kun’yomi (訓読み) – The Japanese Reading
Kun’yomi is the native Japanese reading of a kanji.
This reading is often used when the kanji appears alone or with hiragana attached (called okurigana, 送り仮名).
Examples of Kun’yomi:
学ぶ (まなぶ, manabu) – "To learn"
新しい (あたらしい, atarashii) – "New"
We had 電 (でん, den) – Electricity in our previous examples in the On’yomi, but this does not have a Kun’yomi pronunciation.
Some Kanji have multiple On’yomi or Kun’yomi readings, depending on context, and others may lack a Kun’yomi or On’yomi altogether. Mastery of these readings is essential for understanding Japanese texts, as context dictates which reading applies.
Furigana (振り仮名) are small hiragana (or sometimes katakana) characters written above or beside kanji to indicate their pronunciation. They serve as a reading aid, especially for learners, children, and texts with difficult or uncommon kanji.
Furigana is used to:
- Help learners read kanji they have not yet mastered.
- Clarify pronunciation for rare or unusual kanji readings.
- Provide phonetic guidance in books, newspapers, and manga.
Furigana is typically written above kanji in horizontal text and to the right of kanji in vertical text.
For example:
日本語 (にほんご) → "Japanese language"
学校 (がっこう) → "School"
As learners advance, it’s recommended to gradually reduce reliance on furigana and practice reading kanji without it. Many Japanese books for adults do not use furigana, except for rare or complex kanji.
Radicals, or 部首 (bushu), are the building blocks of Kanji. Each Kanji is composed of one or more radicals, which serve as the foundational elements of the character. Understanding radicals is a crucial step in learning Kanji effectively, as they provide insight into the character’s meaning, usage, and categorization in dictionaries.
A radical is a smaller component or sub-unit of a Kanji character. It is often shared among multiple Kanji, contributing to their meaning or association. For instance:
- 氵 (water radical) appears in Kanji related to water or liquids, such as 海 (umi, “sea”) and 洗 (arai, “wash”).
- 心 (heart radical) is associated with emotions or feelings, as seen in 忘 (wasureru, “forget”) and 思 (omou, “think”).
Why Are Radicals Important?
- Clues to Meaning
Many radicals give hints about the general meaning of a Kanji. For example, Kanji with the 火 (fire) radical often relate to fire or heat, such as 灯 (tou, “lamp”) and 煙 (kemuri, “smoke”). - Simplifying Kanji Learning
By breaking down a complex character into recognizable radicals, learners can more easily understand and memorize it. For example, the Kanji 談 (dan, “discuss”) is composed of the radicals 言 (speech) and 炎 (flame), suggesting “heated speech” or “discussion.” - Dictionaries and Classification
Radicals are used to organize Kanji in traditional dictionaries. Each character is indexed under its primary radical, making it easier to locate and study unfamiliar Kanji. - Aiding Recall
When writing Kanji, recognizing radicals can help reconstruct the character if you forget its exact stroke order or components.
You don’t need to learn Kanji through radicals, but it does give a method for you to memorize Kanji.
The Scope of Kanji
The Japanese Ministry of Education has standardized a list of 2,136 Jōyō Kanji (常用漢字), which are taught in schools and used in official documents. However, thousands of additional Kanji exist, and specialized fields often use characters outside this list.
While Kanji can seem daunting to learn, they enhance the Japanese writing system’s efficiency and nuance. They allow for concise expression, cultural depth, and aesthetic beauty, making them one of the most fascinating aspects of the Japanese language.